"Hi, do you have..?"
"Do you know where..?"
"Do you know when..?"
"Ok, thanks"
"Hi, I just got out of surgery and..."
"No, we don't have it"
"Hi, do you take KY driver's license?"
"Yes, but we don't have it"
"Ok, thanks"
"Hi, you have probably heard this question 100 times today but.."
"No we don't"
"Ok thanks for your time"
"Hi do you have.."
"Well where can I get it around here."
"Well I really need it and.."
"You will have to go north"
"North as in Jupiter?"
"No, more like Canada"
This is how my day goes all day everyday. Everyone in South Florida is in a frenzy to get their rox off and I am the one who suffers because I sell them (legally). If I sold them on the street I would not be complaining because I'd probably be a millionaire right about now. I could care less if you're addicted to drugs, I'm not one to judge, but please for the love of god leave me alone!!
It is basically common knowledge on the street by now that no one in the area has these drugs in stock. The DEA is cracking down on pain clinics and pharmacies and the supplies are dwindling. Supposedly the DEA has completely banned the dispensing of this med in Miami so now there is an influx of people heading north to find them.
Until this problem has passed us by I will continue to persuade the company to allow me to update our answering service. It should sound something like this..
Thank you for calling BLANK Pharmacy. We do not have BLANK in stock at this time nor we will ever in the future. We do not care where you are from or what the hell is wrong with you. Please do not call this pharmacy ever again. Thank you.
I feelsssss youuuu! Akhhh We even got bitched out this weekend for a different control..."Hoes better fill this script"...ya no...do you talk to ur mom like that?...didn't think so. (SAF)