I hate small talk. I hate it when people say “tell me about your family” or “do you have any brothers or sisters?” Umm do YOU have about 3 hours of wasted time that you’re never going to get back? Or why don’t you ask me how many mothers and fathers I have instead. I've had 3 moms, 3 dads, 18 grandparents... you get the point. I don't just have a family tree, I have a whole damn forest. I'm not complaining about this more than unique arrangement. In fact, I wouldn't want it any other way. Nuclear family? BORING. Just think about how many presents I received every year at Christmas for instance. I would be lying if I said it didn't have any negative effects on me as well though. Perhaps my lack of interest in marriage or the desire to have a family of my own. I just don't see the point I guess. Maybe someday.
Does this explain why I'm 50 shades of fucked up? Not hardly. That would take about 100 more blog posts and hours of self-revelation to even skim the surface of that issue. Sometimes I think I should reproduce just because I can't imagine the world without someone as badass as me. I'd hate to see all the genius knowledge and world-view philosophies my dad passed on to me go to waste. Even Dad is having another go at it with my 1 year old brother. Yes, I am 28 years old with a 1 year old brother but who's counting. He is probably the most awesome thing in my life at the moment, maybe ever. I can't wait to watch him grow and carry on the Fritz tradition, yet while hopefully maintaining some normalcy in his life. Who am I kidding? Normal people suck. I hope he lives a big, crazy, completely non-traditional life just like his big sister.
i love your writing!!! keep at it!!